want to be luckier? follow-up
May 2023

A simple life hack that creates luck

I got my new grad tech job in an economy where companies were rescinding offers and having a hiring freeze, 10 months before I graduated. A big part of it is honestly luck—a bit of engineered luck.

It could be traced all the way back to me following up with a designer classmate from a cohort-based course’s breakout room. It led to a coffee chat. The coffee chat led to a side project where I volunteered to design product features for the designer. Through the “permissionless” collaboration and showing up earnestly, he became my sponsor when I was looking for a new grad role.

The simple act of following up opens you to serendipity.

Following up creates luck. Yet most people overlook it.

Following up—either a quick text message, email outreach, or LinkedIn connection—significantly changed the course of my life & career. I’ve gotten career opportunities and made friendships that I otherwise wouldn’t have gotten had I not followed up.

During my second year of college, I was still a beginner designer without much professional experience. I would go to different professional events and connect with the speakers even if I didn’t talk to them. This simple habit became how I stumbled upon the opportunity that became my very first tech job. Here’s the little message that kickstarted my career:

Screenshot from the LinkedIn conversation with the founder

After working in tech startups, I was eager to see what designing at big tech companies is like. This led to my summer at Amazon which became another big step forward in my career with the name recognition of a tech giant and the personal realization of how the startup scene is where I belong.

What most people don't know is I was rejected initially.

Because I thought the interview went really well, that was a surprise. Instead of just accepting this result, I followed up with my interviewers. It turned out, they were surprised as well and offered to check in with the recruiter for me. One week later, I got the offer!

The rejection email & offer email, one week apart

The habit of following up not only accelerates career but improves personal relationships as well.

Most of the close friends I've met in the last few years came from me taking the initiative to reach out to build a deeper relationship. When I found myself vibing with someone I met at a social event, I'd send a message and tell them that. And see if they are down for a 1-on-1 hangout. Following up for a meetup has the potential to help you turn an acquaintance who might fade away to the background as life goes on into a like-minded friend who'd always be up for a late-night intellectual conversation.

This is the very beginning of a conversation with a good friend I met in 2022. It led to walks, hikes, and countless conversations!

iMessage screenshot of the very first message

Following up can change your life. The small act of following up might only take a few seconds, but it could easily become a springboard of blossoming relationships and opportunities! You never know where it’s going to bring you!

Just happened to be in the area your favorite author is visiting? Follow up and say hi.

Just got rejected for a credit card application because you had too many credit inquiries from apartment hunting? Follow up and ask for a reconsideration.

Just read an insightful article? Follow up and connect with the writer! :)